About me!

I graduated from the Computer Engineering program at the European University of Lefke (EUL). I have worked as a Software Developer, Web Developer, and am currently working as a Team Lead.
Dreamer, researcher, and developer—these are not only titles I use to describe myself; they also represent the ways I live my life.

Life is too short to be obsessive about anything, and too long to be lazy. We should always keep learning more and more without losing humility, and always strive to find the ways that make us happy. There should always be balance. I believe that without balance, it is impossible to achieve harmony in anything you do or will do.

Our world is changing extremely fast. Even while you’re reading these sentences, a lot has already happened. Do you know how many things happened in the last 5 seconds? 205 thousand messages were shared on Facebook, 23 thousand tweets were tweeted, 17 million emails were sent, 47 new websites were published, videos with a total length of 6 hours were uploaded to YouTube, and 300 pictures were shared on Instagram. All of this happened in just 5 seconds and continues to happen. Is there any other way to keep up with this extraordinary speed except by continually learning?

I believe that, rather than wasting time finding justifications for our shortcomings, the best thing we can do is to desire to improve our knowledge and overcome all obstacles we may face along the way.
I have a passion for creating and developing. This has always been the case, and I hope it will remain so until the end of my life. Because I have that passion and I am eager to learn, I am confident that I have chosen the right profession.

I am also a photographer. You can check out some of my pictures on 500px, and I would be very happy to receive feedback about them. As I mentioned before, we need to keep finding the ways that make us happy, and photography is one of those ways for me.

Ali Gulum